Wednesday, September 3, 2008

36 Candles

Typing those two numbers together made me miss a breath for a moment. While putting the candles on my breakfast birthday Danish my husband informed me that I am a two pack (candle package) and have been for some time. It seems like not so long ago that 30 something was so old, and here I am, having just celebrated my 36th birthday. I find that I am more interested than ever in past events, and wishing that I had paid more attention in Mr. Dryden’s history class. I am at that point now in my life where my 15 year old knows more than I do, I can’t eat like I used to and exercise is no longer optional. I find myself researching the joys of Botox on the internet and have come to the realization that it is imperative to start maintaining my hair color.

But, as Anna Nalick so eloquently sings it “life’s like an hourglass glued to the table and no one can find the rewind button girl, so cradle your head in your hands and breathe, just breathe.” So here is to my 37th year of life filled with breathing (heavily) due to the hourglass figure I am trying to achieve by exercising daily. Here is also to a year of great adventures with family and friends, eating well and frequent visits to my fabulous hair dresser. Instead of focusing on time spent I will focus on time I have left and how I will spend it!

Speaking of hourglasses, I am reminded of a run I recently went on with my 11 year old. She decided that she would be my personal trainer. I wanted to take a cool down walk and catch my breath when she turns to me and says “Come on mom, we have to work on that hourglass figure!” I respond with “Well, what kind of figure would you say I have now?” And yes, this is the response you get when you ask such a question from an 11 year old “You’re more like desperate house wife… and I don’t mean of Orange County!”

I want to share an image I made while hiking on my birthday, since this is a photo blog. Blessings to you!

1 comment:

Ronnie Ruiz said...

Happy Happy Birthday my friend!
Love the image :)
Such a nice and funny way to express yourself, keep writing!